This article continues on from a previous one I have written on the encroachment of cultural and classic Marxism into the very fabric of our nation. It falls under the heading of “know your enemy”. As I have written in a previous note, we are under attack by principalities and powers, and in this article I seek to share additional understanding into just what we are up against as spiritual powers manifest in the physical realm.
The article linked below in the “The Orwellian Example of Mind Control” section describes something straight out of the George Orwell’s book "1984". The poor business owner this article is about has been completely subjugated by the group think of the cultural Marxists. To understand what happened to this man, an understanding of cultural Marxism and it’s goals will be helpful first.
Click the link if you are not familiar with the practices of cultural Marxism and would like more info.
From the article:
“Marx believed that feudalism would lead to capitalism. Capitalism would create massive inequality between the rich and the poor. The workers would all rise up, and overthrow the hated “bourgeoisie” (the upper class). There would then be a “dictatorship of the proletariat” (the workers) which would ensure equality. Then that government would wear away and break down, and the world would be left with this utopian, egalitarian society."
Essentially, cultural Marxism achieves it's goals by causing division in the people, and magnifying that division to a point where civil war breaks out and the social order breaks down. In Marx's time, that division was intended to be economic. We have seen various manifestations of this cultural war through the years at various levels, including Feminism, Equal Rights, and today, Racial Injustice. Each of these sources of division are used as a pretext by Marxists to stir up the masses to the end that the American system of government is torn down. Their goal is to replace the American culture with a "new utopia", and that "new utopia" is Communism.
Cultural and Classic Marxist Groups and Goals
The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement has this to say regarding the present struggle:
"We believe the Civil War was never resolved and the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex. Our struggle today must begin from this starting point. Lastly, as revolutionary anarchists, the abolitionist struggle must be extended to the state and capitalism, the perpetrators of oppression. The revolutionary movement in the US today is at a cross roads, as fascist movements are expanding, and the state becomes increasingly authoritarian." (
These folks, with whom Black Lives Matter are associated, believe in the destruction of capitalism, democracy and the rule of law which is quite apparent from reading their material. They are the forces at play today.
Collective Guilt
One of the primary tools of the Marxist is “Collective Guilt”. This is seen in their use of terms such as "systemic racism" and "white privilege". These terms apply collectively to a nation, rather than to individuals. Through using these terms, the focus is removed from individual responsibility, and is magnified by applying the responsibility for individual actions to an entire nation. In the case of the George Floyd killing, the focus is not on the individual police officers who perpetrated the crime, but on the nation systemically. We are fed this lie for the simple reason that the Marxist behind the violence whose goal is to destroy America will not accomplish their goals with a focus on individual guilt. That would only serve to bring down the individuals, when the goal is to bring down the nation. Hence, the claim that racism is not based on individual actions, but is based on the collective guilt a nation .
If the "collective" of America was truly and systemically racist, then we would never have elected a black man to the presidency....twice.
The Claim that America is Systemically Racist is a Lie and a Straw Man
The crisis that we are in is that of believing the lie of “systemic” racism. We have begun as a nation to respond to a straw man, or something that does not exist but Marxist want us to believe exists.
As Americans, we have begun to move from believing that “systemic” racism exists, to taking action based on that belief. We have started down a path where we are apologizing for it the straw man, we have started taking knees to show support for the straw man, we have started to support the tearing down of our history (not just southern slavery owners statues, but any statue, painting and otherwise that has anything to do with America's history), our legislature has begun to craft law to address the straw man (such as de-funding or abolishing police forces). We have played right into the Marxists hands, and have unknowingly joined forces with them, and are helping them to bring about this revolution. When we as Americans start doing all these things to appease the straw man, then the mind of the nation has been effectively transformed to believe a lie.
The Orwellian Example of Mind Control
Now that we have a basic understanding of cultural Marxism, and how it was used to manifest the straw man of American “collective guilt”, we can take a look at this astonishing article. This article shows what happens when the psyche of the nation is turned over to a Marxist mindset.
Note: I am not a friend of spiritual Yoga, believing that it is witchcraft, however, what happened to the owner of this business is a frightening indicator of just where we are at today and serves as a pertinent example.
Read this article:
This man, Patrick Harrington made the mistake of posting a comment to Instagram that provoked the mob, and ended up with him loosing his business. He lost his business due to groupthink from people who believe that "systemic” racism is real, they believe the straw man. Mr. Harrington actually supported those who came against him, he just wasn't supportive enough or in the right way. He wasn’t fully conformed.
From the article:
"Harrington, a straight, white guy who expanded Kindness to nine studios and 160 employees across metro Denver, announced last week that he was closing them all after a handful of yoga teachers, including a Black woman and a transgender man, called out Kindness on social media for “performative activism” and “tokenization of Black and brown bodies.”
The teachers’ public comments, following a Black Lives Matter post on Kindness’ Instagram page that they termed too little, too late, evoked a backlash that was fierce and immediate."
The people who have attacked Mr. Harrington are all victims of mental manipulation, or mind control, on the part of the Marxists who are bent on tearing town all of America. These people have become Marxist disciples running around participating in bringing about Marxists goals and have successfully torn down Mr. Harrington's business for a failure that is not his. The change in the thinking of these people and Mr. Harrington is itself a goal of the Marxists. If Marxist leaders can get the people to believe the straw man and respond to it, then they will have successfully brought to bear a major tool of division separating those who believe a lie from those who don’t.
Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this story is Mr. Harrington's response. Instead of having the awareness of what is going on and holding the line for truth, he completely caves in to the pressure of the lie.
He states: ”My goal is to represent our attempts at being a diverse, inclusive place where people felt like they belonged,” he begins, slowly. “I may not say things perfectly … I’m practicing learning how to speak in a way that is more inclusive and caring of diversity.”
Mr. Harrington's full response, is here -->
If this is the response of the majority of people under such attack, then we are lost and conformity to Marxist thought has come a long way to being solidified.
Our Only Solution
This straw man is a direct attack on the way we think. We can either adopt the Marxist way of thinking, or hold the line with our Judaeo-Christian way of thinking. All of what is going on today is designed to get our minds off of what is ultimately important, Jesus Christ, His death, burial and resurrection, and His transforming power to change the mind that is set on him. We are being asked to change our thinking to the Marxist way, and believe in lies. We must be vigilant and hold the line.
Romans 8:6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
Jesus always has been, is, and always will be our only solution.
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