Is the Church About to Persecute the Bride?
Ecumenism has been around for a long time, but in recent times, the ecumenical push has been intensifying. The article below, Christian Provocation is clearly showing that the institutional church is blaming the Bride of Christ (evangelical and literal Bible believers) for being a global threat to freedom of religion just by being believers and missionaries of Christ. They would clearly have followers of Jesus be acceptors of mediocrity for their "greater good".
Christian Provocation
Check out this quote from the article, speaking of the rise in Christian persecution around the world, “You know who is to blame for all this persecution, of course: The Christians are. Or so, at least, the mainline Christian organizations seem anxious to assure us. The victimized Christians in these countries have "asked for it:" by the very act of being open believers and missionaries, they are intensifying the global threat to freedom of religion. So the World Council of Churches, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue of the Holy See, and the World Evangelical Alliance have joined together to do something about it—by urging their fellow Christians to behave less provocatively.”
From the anti-Zionist camp comes a similar denunciation of the Bride of Christ. This faction of the "church" is pitted against the Bride based on their belief that the everlasting covenants God promised to Abraham are null and void. The anti-Zionists church’s position is that the Bride is made up of mislead Christian Zionist, because of our belief that these everlasting covenants are still in place. They believe Christian Zionism is contributing to unrest in the middle east, and destabilizing the entire globe.
The Churches Against Israel,7340,L-4090528,00.html
Quote, "Lutherans arrived to Volos from the United States, Catholics and Protestants from Bethlehem and Nazareth, Orthodox Christians from Greece and Russia, lecturers from Beirut and Copts from Egypt. The conference declared the Jewish State "a sin" and "occupying power," accused Israelis of "dehumanizing" the Palestinians, theologically dismantled the "choseness" of the Jewish people and called for "resistance" as a Christian duty."
Quote, "Lutherans arrived to Volos from the United States, Catholics and Protestants from Bethlehem and Nazareth, Orthodox Christians from Greece and Russia, lecturers from Beirut and Copts from Egypt. The conference declared the Jewish State "a sin" and "occupying power," accused Israelis of "dehumanizing" the Palestinians, theologically dismantled the "choseness" of the Jewish people and called for "resistance" as a Christian duty."
US Church vs. Israel,2506,L-4146945,00.html
This is simply an ugly ugly article about the position mainline denominations are taking with regards to Israel and their right to the land.
Quote, "Meanwhile, the church just held a conference in Louisville titled “Bible, Land and our Theological Challenge”. It embraced the “Kairos Document,” which says that Israeli security policies are “a sin against God”, likens the security fence to “apartheid”, rejects the Jewish State, supports terrorism when it talks about the “thousands of prisoners who languish in Israeli jails”, and proclaims that “resistance to the evil of occupation is a Christian’s right and duty.”
At the Louisville’s symposium, Rev. Eugene March, professor emeritus of Old Testament at Presbyterian Seminary, said the Jewish right to the holy land is “invalid,” while Rev. Gary Burge, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, said that “Jesus subverted the land politics of Judaism” and criticized “the territorial worldview of Judaism.” It is hard to imagine uglier slander."
This is simply an ugly ugly article about the position mainline denominations are taking with regards to Israel and their right to the land.
Quote, "Meanwhile, the church just held a conference in Louisville titled “Bible, Land and our Theological Challenge”. It embraced the “Kairos Document,” which says that Israeli security policies are “a sin against God”, likens the security fence to “apartheid”, rejects the Jewish State, supports terrorism when it talks about the “thousands of prisoners who languish in Israeli jails”, and proclaims that “resistance to the evil of occupation is a Christian’s right and duty.”
At the Louisville’s symposium, Rev. Eugene March, professor emeritus of Old Testament at Presbyterian Seminary, said the Jewish right to the holy land is “invalid,” while Rev. Gary Burge, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, said that “Jesus subverted the land politics of Judaism” and criticized “the territorial worldview of Judaism.” It is hard to imagine uglier slander."
“Prophets Who Prophesy Lies In My Name”
This is a very revealing article about "Palestinian Zionism", the return and erroneous right of the Palestinians to the land that God gave to Israel. Again, the mainline denominations are moving with this.
Quote (pg.15) “Over the past few years a number of Church denominations and ecumenical organizations have issued statements condemning the alleged Israeli “occupation,” and have chosen either to support campaigns to boycott Israeli goods and divest from multinational companies operating within Israel, and/or to denounce Christian Zionism as a heresy, which they say threatens peace in the Middle East.”
Persecution from both of these factions could come about in a number of ways. As the mainline church factions join in their desires resepectively for ecumenical oneness and middle east peace at any cost, they will become more outspoken against the Bride of Christ who will remain true to Jesus as the only way to the Father, and true to the promises given to Abraham. Like the homosexual lobby, they will likely become increasingly militant in their attempt to silence the dissent, via legislation and outright persecution.
Clearly this movement of ecumenism and anti-Zionism is moving the mainline church steadily in the direction of the single homogenized world religion spoken of in the Revelation. A religion that has lost the concern for the eternal life provided by Jesus and the cross. A religion that, whos primary desire is to eliminate the worldly conflict and opposition that plagues organized religion in all it's various forms.
It is only a matter of time before the frustration and ire of these movements are redirected to the last group standing for Israel and holding fast to God's covenants, the Bride of Christ. This will be added on top of the ire of the New World Order proponents, the New Age Religion fanatics, the sexual immorality / homosexual lobby, and the increasing presence of Islam and Sharia Law in America. Dark clouds are gathering.
This is a very revealing article about "Palestinian Zionism", the return and erroneous right of the Palestinians to the land that God gave to Israel. Again, the mainline denominations are moving with this.
Quote (pg.15) “Over the past few years a number of Church denominations and ecumenical organizations have issued statements condemning the alleged Israeli “occupation,” and have chosen either to support campaigns to boycott Israeli goods and divest from multinational companies operating within Israel, and/or to denounce Christian Zionism as a heresy, which they say threatens peace in the Middle East.”
My Comments
Persecution from both of these factions could come about in a number of ways. As the mainline church factions join in their desires resepectively for ecumenical oneness and middle east peace at any cost, they will become more outspoken against the Bride of Christ who will remain true to Jesus as the only way to the Father, and true to the promises given to Abraham. Like the homosexual lobby, they will likely become increasingly militant in their attempt to silence the dissent, via legislation and outright persecution.
Clearly this movement of ecumenism and anti-Zionism is moving the mainline church steadily in the direction of the single homogenized world religion spoken of in the Revelation. A religion that has lost the concern for the eternal life provided by Jesus and the cross. A religion that, whos primary desire is to eliminate the worldly conflict and opposition that plagues organized religion in all it's various forms.
It is only a matter of time before the frustration and ire of these movements are redirected to the last group standing for Israel and holding fast to God's covenants, the Bride of Christ. This will be added on top of the ire of the New World Order proponents, the New Age Religion fanatics, the sexual immorality / homosexual lobby, and the increasing presence of Islam and Sharia Law in America. Dark clouds are gathering.
The Abrahamic Covenant
The Abrahamic and Palestinian Covenants are the everlasting and unconditional
agreements God made with Abraham that entitle the Jewish people to the land of
Canaan. The scripture references for these covenants are linked below so that
you can see for yourself what the Bible really says about
The Covenant
Promises to Israel
- They would become a great nation. (Gen 12:2)
- They would be given an everlasting covenant. (Gen 17:7)
- They would have a portion of land as an everlasting possession. (Gen 17:8)
- He would be the father of many nations and many descendants. (Gen 17:7, Gen 17:16, Gen 17:20)
Promises to the
- Those who honor Abraham (and Israel) would be blessed. (Gen 12:3)
- Those who curse Abraham (and Israel) would be cursed. (Gen 12:3, Deu 30:7, Isa 14:1-2, Joel 3:1-8, Mic 5:7-9, Hag 2:22, Zec 12:1-14; Zec 1:1-3, Mat 25:40, Mat 25:45)
The Palestinian (Land) Covenant
The Palestinian covenant is an elaboration of the land aspects of the Abrahamic covenant. It is also unconditional.
The Covenant
- Gen 12:1, Gen 13:14-17, Gen 15:7, Gen 17:7-8,
Additional truths
- Borders of the Land - Num 34:1-12
- The regathering of the Jews to the land prophecied - Deu 30:1-10