Daniel's Days
the Abomination of Desolation (Dan 11:30-31)
1,260 days - (Dan 9:27, Dan 7:25-25, Mat 24:16-22, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14) - The Second Coming of Jesus (Dan 7:26-27, Rev 2:26-27, Rev 5:10, Rev 11:15, Rev 11:17-18)
1,290 days - (Dan 12:11) - Possibly to the gathering of saints to Jerusalem (Isa 27:13)
1,335 days - (Dan 12:12) - Possibly to prepare for the inauguration of the Millennium. (Beginning of Great Trib to beginning of Millennium)
75 Days - (1335 minus 1260) The second coming sometime during this span.
The 2300 days of (Dan 8:14)
is historical and fulfilled.
The Millennial Kingdom Offered and Rejected
Offered - Mat 11:14 - The "it" in context of Mat 11:8-13 is the Messianic Kingdom
Rejected - Mat 11:20
The Second Coming of Christ to Millennial Rule
Jesus Christ is established in the beginning of the Millennium as King - (Rev 19:16) See also - ( Dan 2:44, 2 Sa 7:16, 1 Ch 17:14) See also (Mic 4:1-13)
Fulfilling the Davidic covenant - (Psa 2:1-9, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 11:1-2, Isa 55:3, Isa 55:11, Jer 23:5-8, Jer 33:20-26, Eze 34:23-25, Eze 37:23-24, Luk 1:32-33)
The Millennium will begin with only believers.
Those who are alive at the end of the Tribulation
Those who are dead are brought back to life at the end of the Tribulation (Rev 20:4)
Jews have a special relationship due to the covenant relationship - (Psa 2:8, Isa 2:4, Isa 42:1, Dan 2:35, Dan 7:14, Dan 7:27)
Suggestions regarding the mechanics of Christ's rule:
- Jesus once promised to reward the twelve apostles by granting them the right to sit on the twelve thrones, ruling the twelve tribes. (Mat 19:28)
- King David might have a special place of rulership under Jesus in the millennial age, based on (Eze 34:1-31) and (Eze 37:1-28)
will rule under Christ's authority (Luk 19:12-27,
Rev 5:10,
Rev 20:4,
1 Co 6:2,
2 Ti 2:12)
Satan bound for 1000 years - (Rev 20:1-3)
set for coming judgments, Tribulation martyrs resurrected -
(Rev 20:4-6,
Mat 24:45
to Mat 25:46)
Old Testament saints resurrected at this time - (Dan 12:1-2)
set for coming judgments, Tribulation martyrs resurrected -
(Rev 20:4-6,
Mat 24:45
to Mat 25:46)
Old Testament saints resurrected at this time - (Dan 12:1-2)
Jesus builds up Zion (Jerusalem) - (Psa 102:16, Zech 12 through Zec 14)
Jesus brings restoration to all things - (Rev 21:1 quote of Isa 65:17 (OT Millennial context), Act 3:21, Mat 19:28, Rom 8:19-21)
New heaven and earth - (Rev 21:1)
- New Jerusalem comes down - (Rev 21:2), those who can enter it are written in the Lamb's Book of Life - (Rev 21:27, Joh 14:23) Hidden during the wrath - (Isa 26:20-21, 1 Th 1:10, Rev 3:10)
Sun and Moon go dark - (Mat 24:29)
- New Jerusalem doesn't need sun or moon - (Rev 21:23)
- New Jerusalem is light of the nations - (Rev 21:24, Rev 22:5)
throne of God on earth - (Rev 22:1-5
quote of Eze 47:1-12)
New Jerusalem has no temple - (Rev 21:22),
so this passage is millennial. See also - (Eze 43:6-7)
- While eternity will be pure, (Rev 21:27, Rev 22:15) indicates a time when both pure and defiled exist, thus, millennium timeframe.
The Judgments At The Start of the Milliennium
Sheep and Goat Judgment of living Gentiles (Mat 25:31-46)
- Saved Gentiles to Millennial Kingdom (Mat 25:33-40) To become the nations (Isa 11:10)
- Judgement of living national Israel
- Gathered to Israel - (Mat 24:31) (Eze 20:33-38) See also - (Dan 9:24, Rev 12:1)
saved to everlasting life, the unsaved to shame and everlasting
death - (Dan 12:1-2)
- Unsaved gentiles to Hades - (Mat 25:41-46)
- Resurection of Old Testament Saints and Saints who Perished in Tribulation (Rev 20:4-6, Dan 12:2, Dan 12:13, Rev 6:9, Mat 16:27)
- These saints are given their resurrected bodies and rewards at this time.
- See also Eze 20:34-38, the righteous enter the land, the unrighteous do not like those in Moses' day.
- Dan 12:2-3 with Dan 12:13 and Isa 26:19 shows OT saved before Millennium, Rev 20:4-6 and Isa 26:14 shows unsaved after Millennium, John assures it will happen (Joh 5:25-29) and only the wicked dead remain in their graves.
Judgement of the Beast and False Prophet
- Cast
into the bottomless pit - (Rev 19:20)
- Binding of Satan in the Bottomless Pit (Rev 20:1-3)
- Satan and his hosts
will not be able to exercise any influence during the Millennium.
The Nature of the Millennium
1000 Years of peace - (Isa 2:1-5, Isa 11:1-10, Isa 65:25, Eze 34:25, Hos 2:18) And (Rom 8:19-22)
Swords will be beat into plowshares - (Isa 2:4).
Agricultural abundance - (Amos 9:13).
There will be no homeless or hungry people. Every man will have his own vineyard and orchard (Mic 4:4).
Lifespans will be extended (Isa 65:20)
Sin nature remains (Jer 17:9), but Jesus will rule with a "rod of iron" - (Psa 2:9, Rev 2:26-27) See also (Isa 11:4-5)
The Final Rebellion
Satan released after 1000 years - (Rev 20:7)
The second Gog and Magog war - (Rev 20:8-9)
Satan cast into the Lake of Fire with the beast and false prophet - (Rev 20:10)
The Judgments At End of Millennium
Judgment of Satan and the Fallen Angels
Satan, after being released a short time (Rev 20:3, Rev 20:7), cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:10)
Final judgment of fallen angels - (Isa 24:21-22, 2 Pe 2:4, Jud 1:6), and the wicked (Rev 20:14-15, Rev 21:7-8)
Saints participate in this judgment (1 Co 6:3)
Judgment of Heavens and Earth
Due to remaining elements of the curse - (2 Pe 3:10, Mat 24:35, Rev 20:11)
Judgment of Unbelievers at the Great White Throne at the end of the Millennium (Joh 5:25-29, Rev 20:5, Rev 20:11-15)
Jesus is the judge - (Act 17:31, Joh 5:21-23, Joh 5:27, Act 17:31) His judgements will be fair (Joh 5:30, Isa 11:4-5, Rev 1:14, Rev 2:18) He is holy (Rev 3:7, Eze 33:11, Eph 2:4-5)
Based on the Book of Life and the Book of Works - (Rev 20:12)
are nonbelievers who were not resurrected at the time of the Rapture
- (Rev 20:5)
on the basis of works - (Luk 12:46-48)
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